The new website is ready!

26 04 2004

After 2 months of development, debugging, and testing, the transition of the Stonekeep web site from static pages to Moveable Type is complete. Special thanks to Lisa for all her work on the new design, and to Razil and Catya for debugging and design suggestions. Also thanks to Pancua for the graphics help.
The new site is available here.



2 responses

26 04 2004

You’re most welcome!
You might want to disable
It looks great.

26 04 2004
Glimpse of a Grrl

It’s live!

:Dave: wanted a new look (and more functionality) for his business site. So that’s what we (Katy, Catya, Liz, Dave and I) did! Katy found some cool templates, Dave and I picked one out, I tailored it for his site…