Internet Radio Station Activism Alert!

3 03 2007

I normally don’t post political activism stuff, but this one is too important to ignore.
The finest internet radio station on the net, Radio Paradise, is under threat of being legislated out of existence, due to the big record companies’ influence on the US copyright office.
As stated on RP’s home page:

For some time, we’ve suffered with a system where we pay a large chunk (10%-12%) of our income to the Big 5 record companies – while FM stations and radio conglomerates like Clear Channel pay nothing. Now they want even more. In our case, an amount equal to 125% of our income. Our only hope is to create as much public awareness and outrage about this staggeringly unfair situation as possible. Neither the record industry nor Congress are ready to listen to us at this point. But members of the media may well be, and we need to get their attention.

Please click through to Radio Paradise to see what you can do to prevent fantastic stations like RP from being pushed off the public networks. For a more detailed analysis of the rulings from the copyright office, see Kurt Hanson‘s analysis.



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